SmartPalika’s Journey from the Mountain.

The wonderful journey of Smartpalika

We have started our remarkable journey from Aandhikhola , one of the most beautiful place from Syangja District. With the aim of bringing intelligence into the people’s life and their way of doing things, SmartPalika has slowly made its iMpact in Rupa Gaupalika. We have further been able to integrate SmartPalika System in Waling Municipality- the heart of Syangja. Similarly, we have started our dream project in Phedikhola Municipality, followed by Bardaghat Municipality.

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नेपालका हरेक स्थानीय निकायलाई सूचना तथा आधुनिक प्रविधिका माध्यमबाट सशक्त बनाई सिङ्गो नेपाललाई नै डिजिटल युगमा प्रवेश गराउने स्मार्टपालिकाको उद्देश्य हो ।