SmartPalika – Mission Digital Nepal
हरेक स्थानीय सरकारलाई आधुनिक प्रविधिका माध्यमबाट सशक्त बनाई नेपाललाई डिजिटल युगमा प्रवेश गराउने स्मार्टपालिकाको उद्देश्य हो!
We aim to impact Local Governments with our Benchmark Quality Technologies, Innovation Tools, Intelligent Practices and Involvement of People!

Integrated ERP, Mobile Apps & Smart Tools for Local Governments.
स्थानिय निकायलाई चाहिने सबै मोड्युल एकै सिस्टममा – एकीकृत सुशासन प्रणालि, मोबाइल एप्स तथा डिजिटल प्रोफाइल!
SmartPalika aims to iMpact Local Governments, Representatives and People with its Benchmark Quality Technology, Smart Tools, Automation & Artificial Intelligence.
Smart Mobile Apps | स्मार्ट मोबाइल एप्स
Smart Palika Mobile Apps Demonstration

Simple Interface
प्रयोगकर्तालाई ध्यानमा राखी बनाईएको र प्रयोग गर्न निकै सजिलो। Public Interface is Simple, yet Rich with 71+ Modules.
Digtial Profile Integration
डिजिटल प्रोफाइल डाटा समावेश गरिएको । Smart Information from Municipal Digital Profile Integrated.
Ward Services
Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce and other Ward Services Online
News, Notices and Events
News, Events and Information
Online meetings and file sharing in between Representatives of Ward and R/Municipality
Smart Instructions
SmartPalika Apps and Systems are made simple and designed to fit a diverse range of population.
Open Data
Catalogues of Local Resources, Places, Production, Businesses and Public Places
Emergency Services
Emergency Numbers, Blood Search etc
ERP SYSTEM | व्यवस्थापन तथा सुशासन प्रणालि
SmartPalika is an Integrated Software System backed by Smart City Researchers, Local Governance Experts, Development Experts and Data Technology Experts