Arun is a Gaunpalika in Bhojpur District in the Province No. 1 of Nepal. In 12 march 2017, the government of Nepal implemented a new local administrative structure, with the implementation of the new local administrative structure, VDCs have been replaced with municipal and Village Councils. Arun is one of these 744 local units.

Arun SmartPalika Web Application

Arun Rural Municipality SmartPalika Application’ shows how a village can get its Optimum Utilization of technology to create a unified village community and become a Pioneer itself in the Entire Nation as the Technology Initiation in Rural Villages can contribute in Development and Progress of the Country. This Application is a medium to integrate the entire Development factors of Rural Municipality (Gaunpalika) together and to make people comfortable with the use of Technology and embrace it so as to switch into sophisticated modern technology in near future to entirely create the GaunPalika a Smart Village. A real example of Technology changing lives of people and nation.